Visit Intero Chiropractic For Treating Sciatica

Sciatica is one of the most common medical conditions that affect over three million people per year. This condition is most commonly caused by a herniated disc or bone spur on the spine causes pressure on the nerves of the lower back. It is most commonly felt as lower back pain and a tingling sensation on one or both sides of the back. There are several Sciatica back pain treatment options for sufferers to choose from. One remedy for sciatic nerve pain is the use of various medications. This type of option typically only relieves the pain for a short period of time. The most common types of medications used for this relief are anti inflammatory and antidepressants. Most people do not find these treatments the best option for long term relief. What best treatment for Sciatica then? Most sufferers, and medical professionals, find that various exercises, stretches, and a comprehensive Chiropractic treatment plan is the best option for treating Sciatic...