How Chiropractic Treatment Can be an Effective Remedy for Sciatica

Sciatica is a condition that causes pain that originates in the lower back and moves down through the person's buttocks and legs. Some people report that pain even extends to the feet. Sciatica is often described as a "shooting" pain. The pain is usually short-term, and people tend to get better after several weeks. There are many remedies for sciatica, and some patients have found relief from a combination of exercise, medicine and physical therapies. Causes Sciatica occurs when a bone spur or a herniated disc compresses a person's sciatic nerve. Any number of conditions may cause bone spurs, such as arthritis and tendonitis. A herniated disc might be the result of scoliosis or trauma to the back. For some people, sciatica causes a sharp and intense pain. For others, the pain is associated with weakness, numbness and tingling in the patient's legs. Sciatica Treatment Chiropractic therapy can be an effective way to both relieve and manage sciatica. Chiropracti...